(262) 248-7070

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Create Learning Experiences that Exceed Expectations

Attend our Flagship Workshop

Activate Learning Potential and Achieve Better Results

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Learn How to Train for a New Generation of Learners

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Next level corporate training & educational programs

The Center for Accelerated Learning is a worldwide leader in learner-driven and activity-based train-the-trainer workshops for corporations, nonprofits and entities of all sizes. With Accelerated Learning we give trainers the tools to speed training time, reduce costs, activate learners and improve learning results that will reach far beyond the training room. Our workshops will enable you to produce results-driven corporate training programs that are engaging, effective and that lead to increased productivity. Register for one of our face-to-face or online workshops today and take learner engagement to the next level!

Accelerated learning workshops make an impact

Our activity-based, learner-driven approach will enable you to…

  • Design activity-based employee training programs in half the time
  • Fully activate employees using the latest learning techniques
  • Improve the speed and efficiency of your training programs
  • Fully engage employees as the architects of their own learning
  • Dramatically improve employee effectiveness and job performance
  • Teach with less stress and more success

Accelerated learning 4-phase design model

The Accelerated Learning 4-Phase Design Model is a sequence of activities designed to arouse learner interest, create positive encounters with the learning material, present methods for practice of newly learned material and provide steps for implementation that will last beyond the training room.

 Train The Trainer Upcoming workshops | view all workshops

Accelerated Learning Certification Workshop


Accelerated Learning Certification Workshop


Activating Learning Potential

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